ICT Technical Supports, AI, Data Science, M&E Tracking System

The Cambodia Sustainable Livelihood for Indigenous Communities (CSLICP) is a complementary project to Land Allocation for Social and Economic Development III (LASED III) project. This project is a grant fund from the Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF) for $2.7 million, administered by the World Bank, and being implemented by the NGO, Analyzing Development Issues Centre (ADIC) since December 2021.  The beneficiaries of the CSLICP are 20 Indigenous Communities (IC) drawn from the list of 24 ICs covered by LASED III in the provinces of Ratanakiri and Mondulkiri, all of whom have obtained their Indigenous Community Land Titles (ICLTs). LASED III will provide funding support to improve the livelihood of community members through the implementation a variety of community infrastructure and other agriculture development assistance. The CSLICP will aim at further improving the livelihood of its beneficiaries through implementation of complementary livelihood activities, focusing on specific horticulture value chains and related off-farm activities, as well as other non -farm activities.

BlocRice Traceability system

Provide technical support to ADIC & Partners with the support of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), SanoRice, Udea, AmruRice, Oxfam Novib, Schuttelaar & Partners to establishing transparency, sustainability, and fairness in the organic Cambodian rice supply chain. The BlocRice pilot phase (2018-2019) successfully utilized blockchain technology to monitor social production conditions in real-time, ensuring transparency. In the ongoing implementation phase (2020-2022), field trainings are provided to enhance farmers' income and reduce costs, DCx work with ADIC offering direct coaching support through the Farmers App. The blockchain-linked mobile application serves as a transaction record and a field book for farmers, providing valuable insights into yields, costs, and earnings to facilitate informed decision-making.
